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Western Europe

Information about the Western Europe sub-region (WESR)

Belgium, France, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, United Kingdom

The Western Europe sub-region (WESR) works without a committee. However, Sue Page (UK) volunteered to become the WESR representative to the Europe Region Committee for period 2023 – 2026.


ISGF Western Europe Gathering 2025 in the Netherlands

logo wesr25 smallThe Dutch Scout and Guide Fellowship (DSGF) organizes the next Western Europe sub-regional Gathering in the Netherlands. Participation is open to all ISGF members in the West European sub-region but also ISGF members worldwide may participate. This event promises to be an excellent platform for exchanging ideas, learning from each other, and networking sharing aspirations and knowledge, discussing common problems etc.
Not a hotel but a group accommodation was found so when necessary you will be asked to assist in the kitchen with the catering. The stunning hotel rooms in this accommodation are very comfortable and perfect for a relaxing stay. The camping is on the same address.

Report Zoom meeting Western Europe Sub-Region

Western EuropeSunday, 11 September 2022, a Zoom meeting was held for the members of the Western Europe sub-region (WESR). In 2022 there was no sub-regional gathering because of unforeseen circumstances. The BP Guild of United Kingdom took the lead to organize an online meeting for the members. Before the session was opened we took a moment of silence for Queen Elizabeth II who died on 8 September.

Report 27th Western Europe Gathering, England

wesr2018 01

The Western Europe sub-regional gathering was held from 8 – 12 October 2018 in Eastbourne, England.  We started our trip with some flying from Cork and some from Dublin including myself. Everything was in full swing when we arrived as it was a bit later than expected. I was greeted by my friend Jane whom I had met at my first ISGF trip to Slovakia. Throughout the first few days I was constantly surprised by friends I had made on that trip.