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9th Central Europe Sub-Regional Conference in Poznan, Poland

2018 cesr conference logoPoznań is a city in western Poland. The city lies on the river Warta and has 541,561 inhabitants, making it the fifth largest city in the country. It was once the capital of Poland and is still the capital of the Wielkopolska region.
The huge Old Town Square (Stary Rynek) is one of Europe’s nicest, and is lined by fabulous historic attractions.

The sub regional committee is proud to announce their 9th Central Europe Conference.

When: 5 - 9 September 2018

Where: Poznan, Poland

Venue: Apartment or Student room

Costs: Apartment per person €290,00 (only two available), Student single room €270,00, double room €255,00 p.p only few available)

Deadline registration: 30 April 2018 but extended till 25 June 2018

Deadline payment: €50,00 with registration and total amount till 25 June 2018

For more information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

pdf 2018 CESR Conference, Info Deutsch-English-Français (159 KB)

pdf 2018 CESR Conference, programm Deutsch (125 KB)

pdf 2018 CESR Conference, programme English (122 KB)

document 2018 CESR Conference, registration form (2.43 MB)

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