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Central Europe

Logo CESR with correct logoInformation about the Central Europe sub-region

Austria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Switzerland North

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11th Conference of the Central Europe Subregion ISGF

2024 nitra 01

The 11th Conference of the Central Europe Sub-region of the ISGF took place from October 3 to 6, 2024, in Nitra, Slovakia, under the theme "Diversity in Language, Unity in Message". Successfully organized by the Slovakian Fellowship the Dospelí Skauti a Skauty Slovenskéh (DSaSS) and Stanislav Vyhlídal brought together 41 participants in a collaborative and productive environment.

11th Central Europe conference in Nitra, Slovakia

2024 logo cesr conference nitraOn behalf of the National Scout and Fellowship of Slovakia, you are welcome to come to the ancient Nitra, the cradle of Christianity in Europe.
An interesting program has been organized for you in the historical part of Nitra, such as the medieval Nitra castle and the bishop's palace, where the bishop still resides today. You will certainly visit the national stud farm in Topoľčianki and the mansion, which was once the summer residence of the President of the Czechoslovak republic and more cultural and historical interested things.

Eventful days in Puck, Poland

cesr 2021 logo smallFor the first time, the Central European Subregion had invited to three meetings on 19 - 26 September 2021: the 10th Subregion Conference, the 6th gathering and the 8th Workshop of the European Region. The venue was the sailing centre of the Polish Scouts in Puck/Poland. This place was the home of more than 40 participants from 8 European countries for seven days. Unfortunately, there were also cancellations from two countries due to the corona pandemic.

Report 9th Conference of Central Europe, Poland

2018 cesr 01

This year Poznan, the capital of the Polish Province Great Poland, hosted the 9th Conference of our Central Europe Sub Region (CESR) from 5 – 9 September 2018. All delegates and observers and guests had been accommodated in the student’s hotel of the nearby university, very close to the historic centre of the town. More than 60 participants – delegates, observers and guests- took part in the conference and 10 of our member countries had been present, either personally or by proxy. Only Latvia was absent without a valid excuse.