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Online Zoom celebration 4th Anniversary WH Region great success

thank you poster 4th anniversy whThe online Zoom meeting on the 4th Anniversary of the Western Hemisphere (WH) Region on September 5, 2020 was a great success. More than 55 members from 14 countries were online and each WH country was invited to tell about their development or about an activity.
Mario Bertagnolio, liaison for WH Region from World Committee as well as Leny Doelman, Central Branch Coordinator were present and congratulated the region and wished them success with future developments.

The spirit of the 2,5 hours meeting, coordinated by Alberto Zambrana, the chairman of the WH Committee and assisted by the other committee members, was very friendly, fruitful, and optimistic despite the acknowledgement of the problems caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Alberto informed that the Region Committee meet each month via video calling, they issue a Newsletter twice a year, all necessary contacts are stored in a WhatsApp group and there is a Facebook page: Facebook WH Region. He added that the WH Region member countries will contribute in December 2020 to a new goal: Distribution of food to people with limited economic reasons, obtained through donation campaigns. The WH Committee can be reached via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The other good news was that Peru is growing extremely fast and Guatemala will be added in ISGF as a new country. Argentina and Venezuela are almost ready for full membership and there are some Central Branch groups like Brazil, Chile and Suriname who are about to become a NSGF. However, because of the virus the work has been delayed but they will pick up the work to be done.

The Host Committee of World Conference 2021 was also present and showed a special adjusted video in Spanish about the postponed World Conference in Madrid, Spain 2021. For English version see this link. 

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