Europe Region Committee 2023 – 2026
- Sue Page (United Kingdom – Chairman and sharing job Secretary
- Søren Silving (Denmark) -Vice-chairman and sharing job Secretary
- Lilian Sotelo (Austria) - Treasurer
- Thalia Xiromeritou (Greece) – Member
Due to the General Data Protection on Data the website should refrain from mentioning email addresses. If you want to get in touch with the abovementioned committee, send an email to
Information about the Europe Region:
Sub regions:
Nordic Baltic:
6 National Scout and Guide Fellowships: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden
Western Europe:
6 National Scout and Guide Fellowships: Belgium, France (North), Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and United Kingdom
Central Europe:
10 National Scout and Guide Fellowships: Austria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Switzerland (North)
Southern Europe:
7 National Scout and Guide Fellowships: Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and Switzerland (South)
2 Central Branch countries: Israel, Malta
Slovenia (National Scout and Guide Fellowship) operates without belonging to a sub-region
pdf 2023 Europe Conference Minutes EN FR (248 KB)
pdf Constitution Europe Region amended August 2023 (68 KB)