Information about all regions
According to the ISGF Constitution, the National Scout and Guide Fellowships in a Region may set up a Regional Committee. In the attached file you will find directions for use.
pdf Regions and Regional Committees directions for use (64 KB)
All National Scout and Guide Fellowships are classified in regions. In this chart you will find your region and sub-region.
pdf NSGFs and CB per region (107 KB)
Africa Region Committee 2023 - 2026
- Jean-Paul Thibault (Senegal) Chairman
- Annie Kapapula-Landu (Zambia) Vice-chairman
- Longin Gashubije (Burundi) Secretary
- Hermengilda Lemos (Angola) Treasurer
Due to the General Data Protection on Data the website should refrain from mentioning email addresses. If you want to get in touch with the abovementioned committee, send an email to
Information about the Africa Region:
12 National Scout and Guide Fellowships: Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Congo (DROC), Gambia, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Senegal, Uganda, and Zambia
11 Central Branch countries: Botswana, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Congo, Gabon, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania and Zimbabwe
pdf Constitution ISGF Africa Region (15 April 2016) (42 KB)
Arab Regional Committee 2023 – 2026- Fouad Flaifel (Lebanon) Chairman
- Maoloud Klela (Libya) Vice- chairman
- Hasan Sabti (Kuwait) Secretary General
- Khalil Mansour (Jordan) Member
- Mohammad Aldubayyan (Kuwait) Member
- Dr. Abdulla AlFahed (Saudi Arabia) Member
Arab Region Committee email address:
Information about the Arab Region:
13 National Scout and Guide Fellowships: Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia and United Arab Emirates
1 Central Branch country: Sudan
Asia Pacific
Asia Pacific Region Committee 2022 – 2025
Mariyam Shakeela (Maldives) – Chairman
Simon Rhee (South Korea) - Vice-Chairman
Shahan Pieris - Secretary
Greg Davies (Australia) - Treasurer
Information about the Asia Pacific Region:
11 National Scout and Guide Fellowships: Australia, Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Maldives, Nepal, New Zealand, Pakistan, South Korea and Sri Lanka
8 Central Branch countries: Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand
Europe Region Committee 2023 – 2026
Thalia Xiromeritou (Greece) – Chairman
- Inger Elizabeth Merli (Norway) -Vice-chairman
- Lilian Sotelo (Austria) - Treasurer
- Oihana Laguardia Arraiza (UK) – Secretary
Due to the General Data Protection on Data the website should refrain from mentioning email addresses. If you want to get in touch with the abovementioned committee, send an email to
Information about the Europe Region:
Sub regions:
Nordic Baltic:
6 National Scout and Guide Fellowships: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden
Western Europe:
6 National Scout and Guide Fellowships: Belgium, France (North), Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and United Kingdom
Central Europe:
10 National Scout and Guide Fellowships: Austria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Switzerland (North)
Southern Europe:
7 National Scout and Guide Fellowships: Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and Switzerland (South)
2 Central Branch countries: Israel, Malta
Slovenia (National Scout and Guide Fellowship) operates without belonging to a sub-region
pdf 2023 Europe Conference Minutes EN FR (248 KB)
pdf Constitution Europe Region amended August 2023 (68 KB)
document *Letterhead Europe region (75 KB)
pdf Annual Report Europe Region 2023-4 EN (126 KB)
Western Hemisphere
Western Hemisphere Regional Committee 2023 - 2026
Jorge Ocampo (Argentina) chairman
Maria Mercedes Pons (Guatemala) secretary
Bryan Bell (USA) treasurer
Due to the General Data Protection on Data the website should refrain from mentioning email addresses. If you want to get in touch with the abovementioned committee, send an email to
Information about Western Hemisphere Region: (WHR)
13 National Scout and Guide Fellowships: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Curaçao, Guatemala, Haiti, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago and Venezuela
11 Central Branch countries: Aruba, Barbados, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Grenada, Uruguay and USA
pdf Memorandum of Understanding Western, Hemisphere region (102 KB)
pdf Memorandum de Entendimiento, Hemisferio Occidental (125 KB)
Sub-region: South America
Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela
Sub-region: Central America & Caribbean
Aruba, Barbados, Costa Rica, Cuba, Curaçao, El Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Haïti, Panama, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago, CASEGHA USA