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Our Kit released

our kit enAugust 2, 2016 - Dear friends from all over the ISGF World.
It is my great pleasure to inform you that “Our Kit” is now ready for your use on the ISGF web page and anyone can download all the information.
Our Kit” is a development tool that will support the work of the members and the Guilds to attain better their mission in ISGF. It is composed of a Leaflet, a PowerPoint and a collection of 10 booklets and a book
The booklets have a certain follow up that is why they are numbered. To end the collection and with the participation of all the Fellowships and CB Groups and members, ISGF will be able to present at the World Conference in Bali 2017, the ”ISGF BOOK of PROJECTS”.

Being the booklets:
1 –   Booklet of ideas
2 –   The Law for Adult Scout and Guides.
3 –   The Method for Adult for Adult Scout and Guides.
4 –   The ISGF.
5 –   Old Thoughts – New Visions (BP).
6 –   UNHCR
7 –   Finance.
8 –   Emergency Assistance. (being translated)
9 –   Environment. (being finished)
10 – Interreligious Dialogue (being translated)

The members and the Guilds can use these materials to develop their skills and to organize still better their programs and events. Just some examples.
You can pick an article of the Law and prepare a debate with your Guild or prepare a play to present to a group of future members. Would you not like to support a group of young children or retired people on their security with your expertise with the knowledge of Emergency Assistance?
Now it would be easy to plan an event and have a certain financial gain if you read the easy to follow Finance booklet and if your Guild want to be more informed about the religion of the community that exists in your village. Invite a group to celebrate Fellowship Day with your Guild and before read the information available in the booklet Interreligious Dialogue.
This collection of documents was possible due to the support of World Committee members, several ISGF members that individually shared their skills with the “Our Kit” project, as well as the Arab Regional Committee and the Cervantes Foundation that translated all the collection in Arabic and Spanish and printed, the International Ambassador Guild – IAG and the Norwegian Fellowship that offered the booklet “Old Thoughts – New Visions” (BP).
Financially speaking, as the thermometer did not raise much, the French and English printed editions only can be made if sponsors can be found, like for the number 1, 6 and 7. If anyone can sponsor the printing of a booklet you are welcomed, amounts will be available at the World Bureau.
I´m sure that ISGF members will appreciate this important tool and use it the best they can on behalf of their personal development and of their Guild.
As Chairman of ISGF World Committee, I thank everyone that made this venture possible on promoting the ISGF Vision and Mission.

Yours in Fellowship
Mida Rodrigues
Chairman ISGF World Committee

pdf Our kit covering letter 2016 (147 KB)

pdf Nuestro kit carta presentación 2016 (377 KB)