ISGF Leaflet 2019
August 2, 2016 - Dear friends from all over the ISGF World.
It is my great pleasure to inform you that “Our Kit” is now ready for your use on the ISGF web page and anyone can download all the information.
“Our Kit” is a development tool that will support the work of the members and the Guilds to attain better their mission in ISGF. It is composed of a Leaflet, a PowerPoint and a collection of 10 booklets and a book
The booklets have a certain follow up that is why they are numbered. To end the collection and with the participation of all the Fellowships and CB Groups and members, ISGF will be able to present at the World Conference in Bali 2017, the ”ISGF BOOK of PROJECTS”.
pdf Book of Projects letter (162 KB) |
This booklet has been published to give inspiration to the work in the local guild. The content of this booklet does not pretend to be complete in any way. It is just a collection of suggestions and ideas to choose between or to be inspired by. The suggestions are not written in priority order, and some of them may not be suitable in all areas around the world. Nevertheless, it is the sincere hope of the World Committee that this booklet will find its way to the local guilds where it belongs and that it will be translated into other languages to ensure the best possible use for the benefit of a richer life in the local guilds. This booklet, reshaped with some more ideas, is to be considered as the introduction of “Our Kit” launched in July 2015. All ISGF members can consult it on the ISGF website ( but some printed versions are also available upon request to the ISGF World Bureau. pdf 1 - Ideas booklet 2016 (241 KB) |
2. Scout/Guide Law for Adults The scout/guide Law is linked to a Promise, through which we join the big family of scouting and guiding. pdf 2 - Scout and guide law for adults 2016 (285 KB) |
3. Scout/Guide Method for Adult Education What is the Method? The word “method” may have different meanings. It is the way one behaves, the process to reach a goal or to solve a problem. It is the adopted attitude. J.E. Russel, quoted by R. Baden Powell in the book “Aids to scoutmasterhip”, writes: «The most astonishing aspect is not the scout/guide activities but the method: an almost ideal method to lead kids systematically to do the right thing and get the right attitude. The four key-features of the scout/guide method are: character, health and physical strength, hand skill and service to the neighbour, “essential points for the social life that are developed from inside, rather than from outside” (B.P., A guidebook for Scoutmasters, part I, on the Theory of Scout Training). In this handbook we will focus on these four topics, wondering how they can be read considering the adult world and how much they are relevant for the definition of a method. pdf 3 - Scout and guide method for adults 2016 (232 KB) |
4. ISGF Scouting and Guiding for adults? |
5. B-P, Old Thoughts - New Visions The idea behind this booklet is to give a glimpse into Baden-Powell’s life, thoughts and methodical attempts to put words into action. |
6. ISGF - UNHCR This theme brings together our two organizations, the International Scout and Guide Fellowship (ISGF) and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), attesting to the shared ideal of working for peace in the world. A strong partnership was first established in 2007 and several joint missions have emerged to give life to this collaboration. Today we have the pleasure of sharing this document, which reflects the common desire to strengthen this partnership. We hope that this collaboration, extended for a period of six years and signed on March 22nd, 2012 in Paris, will allow ISGF and UNHCR national representations to implement projects in different countries, in an effort to raise public awareness concerning refugee issues and other persons of concern to UNHCR. |
7. Finances The purpose of this booklet is to give some basic information about finances and the financial impact on the activities in a fellowship on local, national, regional and international level. We will try to give some advice on these matters to be sure that this vital part of our activities is based on good and transparent routines. |
8. Emergency assistance Watching the news from around the world, we realize that we must be prepared to react to the catastrophes that happen all time in different parts of the world. |
10. Interreligious dialogue Most of us when making the Scout or Guide Promise, mentioned ”Duty to God” the God of each other religion. Nowadays each Scout or Guide Association chooses the way they want to express their Promise. To a Higher Power, to the beliefs of each member or some other expression. |
11. Book of Projects All over the world, ISGF members had, have and plan many projects to develop their Members, Scouting and Guiding and the community.. |
ISGF “The First Fifty Years” 1953 – 2003
You would like to know more on ISGF, on the motivations that gave birth to our Organisation? You want to have a better understanding of ISGF? We invite you to read “ISGF, the First Fifty Years”.
The booklet is available in both versions (English and French) via the ISGF Shop.
Characteristics of this booklet: size 15 x 25 cm; 96 pages (text only).
ISGF History – 2003/2013
Further to the above booklet we invite you to read the booklet produced for the occasion of ISGF 60th anniversary. The booklet is available in both versions (English and French) via the ISGF Shop.
Characteristics of this booklet size 14,5 x 20,5 cm; 18 pages (text only)
In 1996 during the 21st World Conference in Montegrotto, Italy, this song was adopted as the ISGF song. It was originally composed and written by Mrs. Sheena Prince from Australia who won the song contest. It is recommended that the ISGF song to be sung at opening ceremonies of ISGF events such as Gatherings and Conferences.
This mp3 version is sung by Scouts and adult Scouts of Sint-Jan Berchmansgroup from Ninove, Belgium.
Download the mp3: The ISGF Song