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350 Kilos of toys for Refugee Children

Toys for Turkey AOn 14th December 2012, an article concerning the collection of toys for refugee children by the French Fellowship (FAAS) was issued on the ISGF website. The NGO “Aviation without Border” (ASF) had scheduled for mid-February the departure of the toys for Turkey. FAAS had thus decided to put an end on 6th February 2013 to the campaign of collecting toys

An official toys ceremony was held in the Museum of Quai Branly (not far from the Eiffel Tower) with representatives of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), of the Museum, of ASF, of FAAS and with some 15 cub scouts and brownies of the Paris region ; they were explained the situation of children of their age who fled from their country because of the war which rages there.

Toys for Turkey BMore than 350 kilos of toys were given by members of FAAS. 60 big parcels will leave in a few days for Turkey. Each child has written a short message for one refugee child. A message of Peace, written by the Founder of the French Muslim Association is sent with these parcels. The Red Crescent will take delivery of them and will bring them to refugee camps. The UNHCR will take over from them and will give the toys to the children coming from Syria, Afghanistan, Irak, etc..

Those children who live there in terrible conditions… without any comfort…in those endless villages of UNHCR white tents…they did not ask for that ; they did not even imagine it…. So, just let us hope that these few toys collected by FAAS will bring them some happiness

The campaign which has been able to rally all the Member Associations of FAAS and which has been a real success will be renewed in 2014.

Toys for Turkey CAnd to make an end to the ceremony, the cub scouts and the brownies have learnt the game “UKUKU” (from the region Andes in Bolivia) and were taken to visit the beautiful Museum of Quai Branly.