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NSGF Germany activities during COVID-19

nsgf germany board meetingDespite the lack of opportunities for personal meetings due to COVID-19, the Board is in regular contact via email and Skype.  There have already been three multi-hour Skype and Google Hangout conferences, which will certainly take some getting used to. It offers a good opportunity for the entire Board to be able to communicate with each other at the same time.

Recently they published their Newsletter. See enclosure.  A wide range of creative workshops - beer testing, printing, felt, health and sports, wood, leather, painting and drawing, music, paper, scout techniques, scout history, dance, theatre, spinning, and weaving were on the Guild programme.  The two organising guilds, Alexander Lion and Burgund, did their best to make this meeting a highlight of this Fellowship year.  Now the meeting has been cancelled germany insektenhoteldue to the Corona pandemic and cannot take place this year. All for nothing? No, not at all! The cooperation of the guilds including two weekends spent together were an enrichment for every team member and the guild work.  The construction of the planned insect hotel has taken place. Two team members built it in their home garden. The required material was found in the garden, house, garage and workshop. Costs of the project: € 20 for squared timber, 3 lock bolts and straw.

pdf Gilde 2, 2020 - NSGF Germany (3.29 MB)

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