Resolution Ukraine ISGF Central Europe Sub-Region
The Presidium of the Central European Subregion SRCE as representatives of the member organisations Germany, Estonia, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Austria, Poland, Romania, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary condemn the brutal attack of the Russian Federation on Ukraine. Ukraine is a free and self-determined state. No one has the right to rob a country of its land and resources through aggression and violence and, above all, to endanger the lives and health of its people. We firmly reject this!
We declare our full support for Ukraine and its people. We express the hope that the unity of the international community will lead to a swift end to the armed conflict and to the fulfilment of humanitarian and political obligations towards Ukraine.
As adult scouts, we do not remain passive. We participate in the activities of all National Adult Scout Associations of the SRCE that help Ukrainian citizens affected by the atrocities of war. We will help both the citizens of Ukraine who remain in their homes during the conflict and those who have already fled and will flee the country in the face of threats to their lives and health.
Given the scale of the response required, it will be crucial to organise and coordinate those who need it most.
We encourage all members of the Central Europe sub-region, friends and parents to actively participate in this service.
Adult Scouts are asked to work effectively with all like-minded people. Together we will take up and overcome this challenge.
We understand, as do many other nations, the fear and frustration of the Ukrainian people. We are with you, dear friends. With thoughts, hearts and deeds.
Central Europe Sub -Regional Committee
Teresa Tarkowska-Dudek, chairman
Hans Slanec, vice-chairman
Rainer Nalazek, Secretary/Managing Director
Bernhard Müller, Treasurer
Liliana Sotelo, executive committee member
pdf ZHP Poland for Ukraine (783 KB)
pdf Help for Ukraine Accounts (849 KB)
pdf Resolution SRZE zu Ukraine - EN (220 KB)