Report Green Tech Campaign Uganda
ISGF offered a grant of one thousand dollars (1,000 US$) for an interesting project from the Uganda Girl Guides Association in Uganda. Eight countries across Africa launched the ‘Yes! Girls Can’ campaign under the WAGGGS YESS Girls Movement program.
The objective of the campaign was to shout out and call the public and the world to action on issues that affect girls and young women. In a six-month program the participants had an opportunity to experience and work in a new country with the local community. There were different issues with a special focus on membership recruitment, advocacy campaigns and communication work to increase the visibility of Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting in those countries.
In Uganda The Girl Guides Association launched the Green Tech campaign where each girl planted trees. Their target was to plant and nurture one thousand trees. The project made people aware of the environmental protections.
The YESS participants also went to different schools sensitizing students about the importance of planting trees in their communities, proper waste disposal and management. They also taught them how to recycle old papers and create plastic bottles into useful objects.
The organization thanks ISGF for their contribution as by their support it pushed them an extra mile in conserving the environment, creating environmental awareness and making this planet a safer place to live.
pdf Uganda Green Tech report UGGA (2.43 MB)