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Portugal and Cape Verde joined project

project cape verde 2018 01The Portuguese Fellowship “Nuno Álvares” together with the Central Branch group St. Anthony of Cape Verde contributed recently in an ambitious project "Care to Integrate" in the city of Tarrafal, Cape Verde. In cooperation and with the supervision of the St. Anthony Central Branch group and the help of other interested parties, especially of the City Council of the Municipality of Tarrafal, the project was launched.

Since the announcement of the contribution of the funds of the ISGF for the acquisition of some equipment, the City Hall is very grateful and seeing that the place used for the care of the young scouts would be insufficient in the future. Therefore, it is recovering the old Health Center and create the best conditions to install all the existing equipment.
It was quite difficult, or even impossible to find this on the spot and at the local market the needed equipment. For that they looked for them in Portugal and send them there as accompanied luggage at reduced costs, or even without expenses.
project cape verde 2018 03Still the Project has not been finished. A Physiotherapist and member of the St. Anthony Central Branch group goes there regularly as a volunteer to evaluate and record the care.

Outside and beyond this area of care for disabled children, Portugal and Cape Verde are going to create a Social Home with a class of embroidery, tailor and sewing that must work next to the Room for Handicapped Children and so on to allow young women to learn new skills. This in cooperation with the City Council. There will training classes supervised by a volunteer from Portugal who goes there on a regular base in the future.
This cooperation and running these projects are very important for the development of people and for the image of Adult Scouting.

FNA is the founding member of Federação dos Escoteiros e Guias Adultos de Portugal (FEGA)