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World Bureau

ISGF Secretary General leaves World Bureau

cecile websiteThe news of the decision of Cecile Bellet, the secretary general of ISGF came as a surprise. We will miss her but realize that exciting opportunities and challenges awaits her.

For the past (almost) ten years she worked in World Bureau. Since March 2009 as assistant to the Secretary General and after March 2013 she took over as Secretary General. We have all benefited from her wisdom and wish her every success on her career path. We will long remember the hard work and happy moments we have shared. She has been a great team member. We all congratulate on her fantastic new job!

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Treasurer of Central Europe Sub Region
Dear Cecile!
Every farewell is a new beginning. So I wish you all the best for the future! Hope to meet You again somewhere somewhen.
International Secretary NSGF Pakistan
Thank for your message. But It is surprised to me that you are leaving the Secretaryship of ISGF.
We have good correspondence about ISGF and I obtained good relationship with Fellowships of so many other countries only because of your contacts and references. However I pray for your happy life, well & good health and sound physique. I hope you will continue guiding and help in the day to day matters of international scouting. Now who will attend as you were. Ok best of Luck. good bye.
Chairman ISGF Africa Region Committee
Words will not be enough to express how much we learned by working with you. I know you will succeed wherever you go. It was really a great honor to have worked with you. I believe one way or another we shall be in contact with you. From the bottom of my heart and most sincerely so!! This is a sad moment for ISGF.
Secretary NSGF Norway
Dear Cècile! It may be too late for you to receive this, but I would like to thank you for wonderful service and cooperation in the years I have been secretary here in Norway. I wish you all the best in the future!
Chairman Central Branch group Paveurs Suriname
Dear Cecile, On behalf of the PAVEURS of Suriname I would like to wish you all the best in your new working environment and for your future. Thanks for helping us out on different occasions. We will certainly miss you. All the best,
Former chairman Asia Pacific Region Committee
Dear Cecile, Fellowship greetings. Wish you great future Today I have come back from Sri Lanka, chairing As.Pac. ISGF gathering.Everything went all right. You have done a great job.We all will miss you.
Chairman Western Hemisphere Region Committee
Dear Cécile, On behalf of the WHR Committee, I want to thank you for all your support to us and for the great job done for the ISGF. We wish you good luck in your new challenge and look forward to meet you at the next campfire at the WHR Conference in NY.
International Secretary FOFSAG Malaysia
Dear Ms.Cecile, We are sad to note that you are leaving however we wish to Thank You for your support and assistance to us over the years. You have definitively done a good job for ISGF. We will miss you. Wishing you a better future and may god bless you. Yours in Fellowship
President AAG Portugal
Dear Cécile, A.A.G. Portugal will miss you! Congratulations on your outstanding work at the ISGF World Committee. We all hope you the very best on your new professional life and let us hope that we will meet again in Portugal (a country where you will be always welcome). Do please keep in touch. Yours in fellowship
National President NSGF Germany
Dear Cécile, thank you for your engagement in our world bureau. I wish you all the best for your future. Yours in Fellowship
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