Members General Assembly NSGF Germany met physically
The 24th General Assembly of the Verband Deutscher Altpfadfindergilden e.V. – VDAPG took place from 1 – 3 October 2021 in Bad Kissingen, Germany. A new Board was elected.
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Written by Angela Dernbach.
The 24th General Assembly of the Verband Deutscher Altpfadfindergilden e.V. – VDAPG took place from 1 – 3 October 2021 in Bad Kissingen, Germany. A new Board was elected.
Written by Helga Meister.
Pfadfinder Gilde Österreichs, the Austrian Fellowship, celebrated on 17 September 2021 the joyful fact that they exist 70 years. They already existed since 1951 before ISGF was born in 1953 and Austria is also one of the 18 Founding members of ISGF.
Written by Mahmoud Ahmed Ghebllawi.
On 25 and 26 June 2021 the National Scout and Guide Fellowship of Libya sponsored workshops about the introduction to development of project management.
Written by Verna Lopez.
On the occasion of the birthday (27 April) of King Willem Alexander of the Netherlands, Lygia Da Costa Gomez, member of National Scout and Guide Fellowship Copernicia of Curacao, received the civilian order of merit as member of “Oranje Nassau”.
The ISGF Arab Region organized together with the Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office and some experts a Zoom meeting in order to discuss the harmful side of smoking and its effects.
World Water Day is an annual United Nations observance day held on 22 March that highlights the importance of fresh water. The day is used to advocate for the sustainable management of freshwater resources.
Written by Surendra Kumar Agarwal.
On the photo you see some of the team members of the Indian Scout and Guide Fellowship who are working closely since 1960.
Written by Surendra Kumar Agarwal.
The Gynum Ganga local Fellowship from Navi Mumbai is a unique guild of visually impaired adult members. Navi Mumbai also known by its former name New Bombay, is the largest planned city in the entire world, situated on the west coast of the Indian subcontinent in Maharashtra State.
On Monday 22 February 2021, the ISGF Arab Region organized again an educational online session and this time they discussed various topics like the impact of Scouting on different generations.
Written by Angela Dernbach.
The planned meeting with the Guilds of the Verband Deutscher Altpfadfindergilden (VDAPG) in Germany could not take place because of the pandemic. About 40 members from all over the country gathered behind their screens on Saturday, 20 February 2021 to participate in an online meeting.
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