Heat survived during World Scout Jamboree 2015
During the 23rd World Scout Jamboree in Japan, that took place from 28 July – 8 August 2015, a team of (4) four ISGF members appointed by World Committee/World Bureau manned the ISGF booth.
During the 23rd World Scout Jamboree in Japan, that took place from 28 July – 8 August 2015, a team of (4) four ISGF members appointed by World Committee/World Bureau manned the ISGF booth.
ISGF had a booth at the 22nd World Scout Jamboree in Sweden from 26 July to 6 August 2011 where a team of eight (8) full time and one part-time ISGF International Service Team (IST) members from various countries were focused on showing and promoting our organization.
The 22nd World Scout Jamboree, held in Rinkaby, Sweden in 2011 between July 27 and August 8, has been officially opened. The theme for the Jamboree is “Simply Scouting”. More than 39.000 participants from 155 countries are attending this Jamboree, the biggest Jamboree ever.
The 22nd World Scout Jamboree will take place from 27 July till 7 August 2011 in Kristianstad, Sweden, with around 40,000 Scouts expected to attend.
Many Adult Scouts and Guides would want to be at the Jamboree. Of course they can go to the Jamboree as visitors, but there are two ways in which an Adult Scout or Guide can actively participate in the event as International Service Team (IST) members. All IST members must arrive on site 25 July 2011 and can leave 8 August 2011.
The 21st world Scout Jamboree, hosted by United Kingdom, was the biggest World Scout Jamboree ever. Nearly every country in the world gathered together in the UK to share the spirit of Scouting from 27th July to 8th August 2007 at Hylands Park, Chelmsford and Essex.
ISGF was represented by a team of 15 members and experienced the Jamboree as international service team (IST) members.
pdf Report ISGF World Scout Jamboree 2007 team (365 KB)
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