9th Central Europe Conference
- Title:
- 9th Central Europe Conference
- When:
- Wed, 5 September 2018 - Sun, 9 September 2018
When: 5 - 9 September 2018
Where: Poznan, Poland
Venue: Apartment or Student room
Costs: Apartment per person €290,00 (only two available), Student single room €270,00, double room €255,00 p.p. (only few available)
Deadline registration: 30 April 2018 but extended till 25 June 2018
Deadline payment: €50,00 with registration and total amount till 25 June 2018
For more information:
pdf 2018 CESR Conference, Info Deutsch-English-Français (159 KB)
pdf 2018 CESR Conference, programm Deutsch (125 KB)
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