Central Branch (CB)
Central Branch was founded in 1957 and enables adults in countries without a National Scout and Guide Fellowship (NSGF) to join the International Scout and Guide Fellowship.
Conditions and circumstances may vary from country to country, as do the ways of starting a NSGF. In some countries there may be groups of adults already established in co-operation with the youth movement and in other countries there may have to be a new initiative by a few individuals.
Members of the Central Branch in a country are encouraged to create an association of adults, in cooperation with the NSGF’s in their Region and if possible with the youth movements of the WAGGGS and WOSM National Organisations. This association might then request to become a NSGF when it meets the requirements of the ISGF Constitution.
Central Branch (CB) membership is open to all adults, who are willing to commit themselves to the principles and aims of ISGF. CB members are entitled to attend any ISGF activity, Gathering or Conference equally to members of NSGF's.
CB members are entitled to use the ISGF emblem and CB emblem in accordance with the Constitution. (See Bye-Laws 6.2). CB groups (of more than 8 members) are requested to fill in an annual questionnaire reporting their activities.
CB is represented at the ISGF World Conferences by a voting delegation of a maximum of four delegates elected by and from the CB members attending the conference. The CB delegation has the same rights as the delegations from the NSGF's.
The annual fee in EURO for CB members is dependent on the Gross National Product (GNP) and is agreed at the ISGF World Conference
Rates for 2024: Category A, B and C respectively Euro 2,51 - 1,68 - 0,83